In Fuse ESB Installation ,I am going to show the setup of Fuse ESB (apache-servicemix-4.4.1-fuse-06-03). for getting to deploy the bundle,Apps,etc.
Fuse ESB: Fuse ESB is an open source integration
platform based on Apache ServiceMix that supports JBI and OSGi for use in
enterprise IT organizations.
Setup and
Ø JDK 1.6+
Ø apache-maven-3.0.4
Structure of Fuse ESB: FuseESB Zip has folder this
folder structure.
Ø {fuseESB_Install}/bin
à executable files
{fuseESB_Install}/deployà Used to deploy bundles
{fuseESB_Install}/data à runtime files
{fuseESB_Install}/etc à configuration files
Step of setup:
- Download FuseESB Zip (
- Unzip Fuse ESB apache-servicemix-4.4.1-fuse-03-06
- Run the fuse esb server from command prompt of {fuseESB_Install}/bin/servicemix.bat folder. Then you can see the shown screen shot succes fully start FuseESB server.
- Create App,OSGI bundle ,WAR or JBI bundle.
- Copy the osgi/jbi bundle in the {fuseESB_Install}/deploy folder of the fuse esb.
- Bundle will be deployed.
- If you deployed the OSGI http service then you can see the services in http://{host}:{port}/cxf(http://localhost:8181/cxf)
Using the Web Console:
Apache Karaf web console provides a graphical overview of deployed bundle and services on Fuse ESB.
For the Web Console of Apache karaf we need to do some step:
Run the command on karaf:
features:install webconsole
Accessing the web console
By default, the console runs on port 8181. You can change the port number by creating the properties file, etc/org.ops4j.pax.web.cfg, and adding the following property setting (changing the port number to whatever value you want):
To access the console for an instance of Fuse ESB running locally, enter the following address in your web browser:
http://localhost:8181/system/console( http://{host}:{port}/system/console
Log in with the username smx and the password smx.
Also, We can manage the life cycle of bundle and feature management through web console.We can use these thing from apache karaf web console.
- Install and uninstall features
- Stop, start, and uninstall bundles
- Create new instances of Fuse ESB
- Configure your Fuse ESB instance
- View logging information
Fuse ESB Command:
Fuse ESB provide the command for feature installation, managing deployed bundle,monitoring and View logging information, etc.
features:uninstall [name]
osgi:uninstall [id]
osgi:list -->list all bundles
We can see all the command of fuse esb by click the TAB on Karaf Console.
Also, you can see in the screen shot below.
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